Principals of Graphic Design


Avery important design principal is Balance. Balance means to place elements in a way that gives the impression of equal weight on the page. There are three types of balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial.

Symmetrical design is completely balanced and aligned the same on both sides.  Usually symmetrical balance is used to create stability in designs.

A design that’s considered asymmetrical is often referred to as informal balance. The visual weight of the elements aren’t evenly distributed in the center of the page. Asymmetrical balance can create movement and interest. Scale contrast and color are  used to help achieve a balance when the design is asymmetrical.

The third type of balance is radial balance. With radial balance all the elements of the design brand or radiate out from a central point.


Movement forces your eye to go across a page organically



Unity is creating a balance that produces a harmonious effect and is how the elements in the composition work together to keep it looking as a “whole.”  Keeping objects that are similar together can create a sense of unity and harmony in your design. Sometimes this principle is referred to as “proximity”.


A consistent and balanced look in your design can be achieved through different types of repetition. Some designers call this principle “rhythm”, but the core concepts are the same between the two.

Repeating design elements can show a viewer where to look next and can help them navigate your design. The viewer can also get a sense of what comes next in the design. Elements that are repeated help to establish continuity and can tie your entire design together. This principle is also related to movement since the repeating elements can also create a sense of movement in your composition.

Reusing the same typefaces throughout your design is also a form of repetition that helps to achieve unity.


creates conflict between elements to attract the eye to a specific place and is the most effective way to add visual interest to your page. It allows you to highlight key parts in your design with differences in things like values, colors, and textures. Contrast also can add visual interest by pairing something small with something big or with something black juxtaposed to something white.


Negative Space

White space means to let your design breathe with a little open space between elements. White space can also be referred to as negative space, since it’s the absence of text and graphics.